Some nights Melissa woke up so lonely. She'd lost her soulmate, Vivi, followed shortly by her dear love, Meadow. Scared to let anyone else close, she'd decided to harden her heart against love and romance.
It helped that her daughter, Tesira, had returned from university.
Tesira was back home and anxious to find work in the Intelligence community. She'd reached out to her past employer, but he didn't have anything available as of yet. "Sorry kid, I couldn't just hold a post open while you gallivanted off to college!" he said gruffly. "I'll let you know as soon as I hear something."
"I just feel out of sorts," Tesira told her mom over grilled cheese. "I went to college so that I could advance my career and now I can't find a position!" she complained.
"Just be patient," Melissa advised. "I'll ask around the department."
"Thanks Mom," Tesira sighed, picking at her sandwich.
Melissa watched her knowingly. "So? Who's the guy you're pining over?"
Tesira laughed. "What makes you think I'm pining over a man?"
Her mom smirked. "Well, then are you pining over a woman? I didn't realize so much changed since you went to college!" She paused.
Mom was right. She'd been brooding over whether to call Matthew. They'd flirted some at university, but it wasn't anything serious. He probably wouldn't even want to move to Calamity Canyon.
But she'd never know unless she asked.
Matthew was just as glad to see Tesira as she was to see him!

Not only was he willing to relocate to her hometown.
She glanced at the bed behind them and scrunched her nose. No offense to her moms, but there was no way she was having woohoo on those sheets!
Grabbing Matthew's hand, she dragged him out to the car. No way had her moms ever made woohoo here!
Tesira couldn't wait for her Mom to meet Matthew!
"Hello?" Melissa asked when she walked into the room and saw the strange man eating a bologna sandwich. She already knew he didn't have good taste. Any sandwich eaten should be a grilled cheese.
He jumped up nervously. "Um, hi! I'm Matthew, Tesira's new husband," he told her awkwardly. Rubbing the back of his neck, he grimaced. "This would go much smoother if Tesira were here!"
"Where is she?" Melissa asked sternly, crossing her arms.
"It was kind of a big day. She headed upstairs to take a nap." Matthew pointed to the stairs. "Honest!"
Melissa gave him her best glare. "We'll see about that," she said, heading upstairs. "MELISSA!" she called out.
"Mom, I'm sorry. I only meant to sleep for a little bit, but wound up crashing out!" Tesira said frantically, racing to meet her mom halfway through the game room.
"I was so worried!" Melissa said, kissing her cheek. "What was I supposed to think when I came home and there was a strange man in the house?!"
Glancing over her mom's shoulder to the stairs, she asked, "Is he okay?"
"Of course," Melissa huffed. "Look at you, getting married without your mother home! You could have waited a few hours!"
Her daughter hugged her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mom! We got caught up in the excitement of it all, I guess!"
"Well, there's no way the two of you can share that small twin bed upstairs. You go ahead and take the double bed."
"Are you sure Mom?" Tesira said. "I don't want to put you out."
Melissa hummed as she made her bed and settled herself in her daughter's old room. How strange it was to go from being the head of the household with a double bed to the dowager upstairs in a single bed.
First thing Tesira did was put on brand new sheets.
"So? What do you plan to do with your time?" Melissa asked her son-in-law.
Matthew glanced between his wife and his mother-in-law. "I guess I hadn't really thought of it. I could check the newspaper. See what jobs are available."
Melissa scoffed.
"Mom, we just graduated! Geez!" Tesira exclaimed in support of Matthew. "He'll find something great," she said, reaching over and holding his hand.
The first job that popped out at him was in the business field. That sounded like just the sort of thing he would be good at!
Matthew hurried upstairs to tell Tesira all about the position -
Then hurried off to work!
Looks like their wedding night was productive!
Tesira told Matthew the happy news.
"We're having a baby!" he said in awe.
"Umm, Mom, can you give us a moment?" Tesira hinted.
Melissa regretted every time they'd kicked Tesira off the couch so they could woohoo. It was certainly weird standing in the bathroom knowing that your other family members were otherwise engaged.
Tesira made excellent use of her time off due to pregnancy. She maxed her logic skill!
They were going great at home, too. Tesira was due to give birth to their first child any day now.
Aw, we miss you Vivi!
Melissa snuggled Whiskers.
It was a shame that she hadn't been paying as much attention to Kitty and Whiskers!
She signed Kitty up for a position on the Security team.
In her elder years, it seemed very important to learn more about Lifelong Happiness!
It was finally time for Tesira to give birth!
Welcome to the family Sparkle Fancey!
Matthew played with Noodle, while unimpressed Kitty walked by.
She sang her lullabyes and rocked her to sleep, pulling out her old crib and changing table.
"Sleep well Sparkle!"
Matthew wasn't quite sure who the little girl was or how she was related to Tesira, but she was talking up a storm. She was definitely an adorable little girl!
He'd been slightly overwhelmed when his wife's entire family came over for Sparkle's birthday. And by entire family, he meant aunts, uncles, cousins, and 2nd cousins twice removed! Her family tree seemed to be a large Oak!
He glanced around at all the new faces.
But how lucky his daughter would be to be raised in a large, loving family!
Happy birthday Sparkle!
A cute little girl deserves a cute little nursery! Tesira shopped for the perfect rug for her daughter.
Matthew spent his day off teaching Sparkle to walk. He was determined that his children would grow up well!
Uh oh.
This is never a good sign.
Melissa engaged in a full bout of remorse and guilt for having forgotten to feed the poor kitties in her household. Between saving the world and caring for her granddaughter, she'd completely forgotten about them.
"Can I adopt them back?" she asked sadly. "I won't forget to feed them!"
The animal control officer scoffed and leveled her with a look full of censure. "Perhaps you should wait awhile before adopting another pet until you're sure you can give it your full attention."