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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Chapter 29 (Syllabus & Sailor) - Dueling Duplex

"What are YOU doing here?" Syllabus asked rudely when he walked up to the address his Uncle Tetris gave him for his new house.  

"No, what the plumbbob are YOU doing here?" Sailor demanded with a glare. 

Syllabus waved the letter from his Uncle.  "This is my house," he told his teenage nemesis.

With a growl, Sailor glanced down at his letter and then back up at Syllabus.  "Uncle Tetris said this was my house," he announced.  "We got scammed!" 

The two looked towards the house, clearly a duplex. 

"You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine!" Syllabus decreed as he headed to work.  "Just stat out of my way!"
"Gladly!" Sailor spit out angrily.  It kinda sucked that he'd have to live so close to that idiot, but a free home was a free home.
It didn't take long before Sailor was bored almost to tears. 

One thing he discovered quickly was that he couldn't go out on his own.  They still needed a buddy system when going to community lots.  He pounded on Syllasbus' door.
"What do you want?" Syllabus answered the door peevishly. 

"Let's go to Tortuga," Sailor told him. 

Syllabus made a strange face. "What's Tortuga?" he asked.

"THIS," Sailor said, waving his arms around proudly, "is Tortuga!"
"We're gonna need some drinks," Sailor told the barmaid.  "And keep 'em coming!"  

A few drinks in and Sailor was realizing he could almost tolerate Syllabus.

He was happy to spend the evening apart, though.   
Sailor worked on creativity his way while Syllabus had an entirely different creative outlet. 
Stumbling home, they even managed to drunkenly work on a snowman together. Progress was sweet!
Although Syllabus was not very happy with the devilish creative license Sailor took.
"Only you could give a snowman carrot horns and a sneer!" he snapped, shoving Sailor away from the snowman. "You ruined it!"  He made a move to pluck the carrot horns off when Sailor shoved him back. 
They paused a moment, glaring at each other.
In unison, they lunged at each other, grappling for dominance in the physical altercation.
"Keep your filthy hands off my snowman!" Syllabus, clearly the victor, shouted with one last shove.
How Uncle Tetris thought these two enemies could ever get along was a mystery!
The two slammed inside their separate doors and flung their winter garb on the floor.  
The carpool soon arrived to whisk Syllabus off to work. 
Not particularly looking forward to a long day spent alone again, Sailor called up one of his brother, Teak's friends' that he got friendly with.
Despite the bluish tint of her skin making her look a little bit like a Zombie (And the Sharp family hated Zombies), Sailor was digging this girl.
It became apparent quickly that she was crushing on him, too.
Unfortunately, it wasn't long before she shivered and excused herself to go home.  
 Rotten, bad luck, he thought on his way to work.
Syllabus was confident that he would be able to lift the Business restrictions this round.  Look at the progress he was making already!
He had a little time for an old romance.
"Tina, it's so good to see you!" he said, going in for a hug and a kiss.  At the last moment, Tina shifted so his kiss landed on his cheek.
He'd planned a romantic dinner and attempted to woo her over dinner.
"I've missed you," he told her.  "How have you been doing?"  He slid his hand towards hers and linked their fingers.

"Oh, I've been good," she told him, slowly pulling her hand back.  "Sorry," she said with a small smile while wiggling her fingers.  "I need these to eat!" 
Sailor chuckled. 
The evening did not go as expected.  He'd asked her to join him for a game of chess, but she'd toyed with his violin, her body facing away from him.
He was practically a genius.  He could see the signs.  She just wasn't that into him.  After Tina left, exclaiming aloud at how late it was getting, Syllabus headed to bed, alone.

The week flew by, interrupted by small moments of something almost fun. 
Booooooring, Sailor thought sourly.  His dream in life was to have 50 Dream Dates, but he couldn't even date.  What was the sense in that?
"SAILOR!" Syllabus called from the common area in the front yard.
"What do you want?" Sailor asked, heading out his front door.  It was a testament to how bored he was that he would even consider interacting with that jackal.
"I wanted to say I was sorry for all the things we've argued about in the past.  Let's let bygones be bygones," Syllabus said earnestly, holding his hand out for a shake.
"Wow, that's really mature..." Sailor started to say, reaching to shake Syllabus' hand. Perhaps they could actually start getting along.
BZZZZZZZZZZZZ!   Syllabus laughed as the electric jolted Sailor's system.
"You goppy nimrod!" Sailor cursed, stabbing Syllabus in the chest angrily.
"Ow, that really hurt," Syllabus whined, rubbing the sore sport on his chest. 
Thankfully, his carpool came quickly so their argument couldn't escalate to fisticuffs again.
His dreams of being a man about town and dangling women as he dated his way through the female population crushed, Sailor called up Cherry.
"I was kinda hoping you would bring another girl," he said when he saw the friend she'd asked to bring.
"Don't worry, he's just my ride," she said.  The blonde whose name he hadn't even caught sauntered into his unit, leaving the lovebirds alone.  

"I missed you!" Sailor said, leaping into her arms.

*gasps*  Shoot, that autonomous action caught me off-guard.  You are not supposed to be leaping until someone maxes Athletic career. Your bones are too fragile!

Love bloomed from that romantic gesture.
Sailor enjoyed his 1st kiss.  (I feel kinda bad that poor Sailor is well into adulthood and has never been kissed!  Ah, such is the life of a spare sometimes!)
In order to make it up to him, Sailor quickly heats their tender kiss to a more passionate make-out session.  Throwing caution to the wind, he invites Cherry to move in with him, foreseeing lots of kissing and woohoo in his future.
Ugh. No bueno.
Cherry gets a quick change out of her glitchy clothes.
And then quickly takes them off again.
Another promotion under his belt, Syllabus was still feeling confident. He couldn't let his family down.
He resumed skilling frantically in order to impress his bosses.
"Just so you know, your boyfriend is a tool," Syllabus said nonchalantly as he headed to his limo.
"I didn't know you were a thief," Cherry said with surprise as she and Sailor got to know each other a little bit better, having rushed into their relationship a wee bit. 
"Not a thief, babe. A pirate," he corrected her. 
"But you steal things?"
"From ships," he amended.

"And that's different from being a thief, how?"

Sailor quickly distracted her.
Cherry was quickly realizing all her college friends were mostly acquaintances.

"Oh thank plumbbob you're home!" Cherry said with relief when Sailor caught her goofing around in the tub.  

Sailor nearly swooned when he saw his girlfriend playing pirate in the tub.  She'd fit in great with his family!

"Have you considered joining me on the high waters?" he asked. 
"I dunno," she said.  "Being a thief?"
Sailor shook his head.  "A pirate," he corrected her once again.
"Come on, we don't want to be late!" she called out to Sailor. 
"Keep up the good work, my man," Sailor told the mailman with a wink.

After all, most mailmen delivering mail these days had worked for the shady underground mobsters delivering extortion notices in the not so distant past. 

The mailman just nodded back and continued on his way.

Syllabus had failed.  It was Friday afternoon and he'd only managed to reach level 8 of the business career.  He would just have to renew his skilling efforts over the weekend and prime himself for the next two promotions next week.
He was outside, filling in the hole from the wild dogs in the neighborhood when he saw her walk by - Ms. Amanda Carlon, only the CEO of the most successful food supplier in Calamity Canyon County.
Quickly, he tossed the shovel aside, smoothed his hair and sniffed his underarm.  Passable, he thought confidently.  "Ms. Carlson! What a surprise!" he said in his business-voice, and approached her with his hand held out.  

"Oh my, do we know each other?" she asked.
He shook his head. "No, I just happen to recognize you.  "I'm President of the Bargain Buyer 
Warehouse," he told her with a firm handshake. 
"My, what are the odds running into you on my evening stroll!" she said, returning his handshake. 
Syllabus invited her inside. "You really shouldn't be walking out at night alone," he told her.
They chatted about the state of business for a short time before switching the conversation to the alarming increase in shipping crime.  "Bandits stole all my merchandise that was being shipped in last week," she told him with frustration.  "I'd like to show those pirates a thing or two!" she threatened darkly.
"I'm glad you stayed for dinner," he told her.  "It's nice not to be eating alone!"
Sailor managed to piss off a random walk-by.  He certainly rubbed some people the wrong way.
"Sorry, should I have not said that?" he asked sheepishly.
"No you most certainly should NOT have!" she snapped.

*AN - Bah! I was so disappointed I wasn't able to finish up Tier Two restrictions this round!  Syllabus was so close, but he had the weekend off and couldn't snag those lost 2 promotions.  I probably let him goof around with Sailor too much at the beginning of the week! Darn the pleasure trap Tortuga!

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