Whoops, I apparently need to download the OMSPs again. Those discarded fridges on nightstands is kinda funny, though!
So many years later, and Nicole still light his fire. "Come to bed, baby," he crooned.
Nicole hummed softly as she made the bed.
So many years later, and Nicole still light his fire. "Come to bed, baby," he crooned.
Nicole hummed softly as she made the bed.
"Have a great day!" Tetris called out as he headed to work.
Morning woohoo certainly made all the mundane chores less tedious.
Thankfully cousin Theorem was able to discover how to restore the soil to its natural state, so Nicole spent the morning filling in the holes from all naughty puppies. Whew! Big job.
But the effort was worth it! She loved all the fresh greenery starting to sprout.
She continued humming as she baked. Today was a big day...
Into the oven the batter goes.
The teens barrelled into the house. "Look Mom! I got my report card in!" Q-Bert called out excitedly. "Look! Look!"
Morning woohoo certainly made all the mundane chores less tedious.
Thankfully cousin Theorem was able to discover how to restore the soil to its natural state, so Nicole spent the morning filling in the holes from all naughty puppies. Whew! Big job.
But the effort was worth it! She loved all the fresh greenery starting to sprout.
She continued humming as she baked. Today was a big day...
Into the oven the batter goes.
The teens barrelled into the house. "Look Mom! I got my report card in!" Q-Bert called out excitedly. "Look! Look!"
"Oh, way to go Q!" she cheered.
Drat. She forgot about the cake in the oven.
Thankfully Tetris brought a store-bought cake home.
Drat. She forgot about the cake in the oven.
Thankfully Tetris brought a store-bought cake home.
Happy BirthdayTetris & Nicole!
In a house this old, it seemed there was always some odd repair to good. It was a good thing Tetris was good with repairs!

I don't think I've ever seen an unhappy teen stomp the flowers! What has gotten into you, Q-bert?!
Tetris paid the bills when he happened to notice all the stomped flowers. Vandals in the neighborhood! And the place had always been so safe... well after the Zombie Apocalypse had ended.
He walked through the gardens, removing the ruined flowers beds and making a note to replace them once the winter had thawed.
Later, the ill-tempered teen vented his frustration on the trash can.
Not to mention the potentially deadly gravestone kicking.
Q-Bert stormed into the house and plopped onto the chaise, grumbling under his breath and sending sour looks around the room.
Nicole, being a fabulous mother, saw straight through to the heart of the matter. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Your grades may have slipped to a B, but with a little hard work and focus, you can get them back up!"
There was that college scholarship he was hoping to get...
"I knew you could do it!" Nicole cheered.
Quickly, Q-Bert called up the college to see if his grades would qualify him for a scholarship. Yes!
"I knew you could do it!" Nicole cheered.
Quickly, Q-Bert called up the college to see if his grades would qualify him for a scholarship. Yes!
(Poor Q-Bert is a Fortune Sim and wanted to go to Private School and buy all the personal electronics. It did not make for a very happy, fulfilled Q-Bert.)
Winnie was certainly showing her age. Tetris regretted not finding her a mate so that they could have another litter of kittens to share in the neighborhood. (What a grumpy looking kitty!)
She was only mildly attracted to him, but she could tell he was really into her. And really, that was all that mattered.
They had a fun, romantic filled afternoon. A fleeting summer romance, except in the dead of apocalyptic winter.
They had a fun, romantic filled afternoon. A fleeting summer romance, except in the dead of apocalyptic winter.
While outside tending to her flowers, Nicole found the cutest little tuxedo cat. She worked diligently to win his trust and adopt him.
Grumpy Winnie did not seem pleased that the family adopted another cat, and made sure everyone knew it.
"Look over there!" Tetris called playfully, carefully aiming the snowball at his wife's shoulder.
Frisky little elders!
Reversi was tired of all the teen boys. She was hoping to find someone mature and ready for an adult relationship. She greeted the blonde passerby-er.
The conversation started off well.
But when Reversi made a move, he recoiled in distaste.
Not one to take an insult, Reversi accused him of being a jerk and shooed him off her property.
"And NEVER COME BACK!" she hollered to his retreating figure.
Perhaps Couples Counseling would offer some insight into the dating experience.
It was time for a family reunion.
Old and new members alike gathered in the home.
"Welcome to our crazy family!" Reversi joked with Sailor's new girlfriend.
"Um, I'm sorry, and how are you related?" Candy asked.
"It's best not to ask," Reversi quickly replied.
Tetris sighed. He wondered why children found it so uproariously funny to burp into the microphone. You would think after all these generations, they would come up with something new!
Tetris sighed. He wondered why children found it so uproariously funny to burp into the microphone. You would think after all these generations, they would come up with something new!
Sookie smiled. "We're all doing good. They'll be old enough to come to the next family reunion!"
Reversi tried to keep her eye on Sailor and Syllabus because they still fought like cats and dogs.
Plumbbob, she got distracted talking to Rogue about Tortuga. She couldn't wait until they could go out on outings so she could have a girls night out!
Reversi tried to keep her eye on Sailor and Syllabus because they still fought like cats and dogs.
Plumbbob, she got distracted talking to Rogue about Tortuga. She couldn't wait until they could go out on outings so she could have a girls night out!
"What are you looking at?" Sailor groused at Syllabus.
Tetris watched, wringing his hands. Perhaps it wasn't such a great idea to put them in a duplex together. He'd been sure the two boys would be able to put aside their animosity with regular contact.
Tetris watched, wringing his hands. Perhaps it wasn't such a great idea to put them in a duplex together. He'd been sure the two boys would be able to put aside their animosity with regular contact.
Oh Winnie!
"Um, somebody's cat is dying outside," Candy announced hesitantly when she came back inside.
"Winnie!" Tetris called out, hurrying out the front door.
Candy could only hope that Sailor was ready to head home.
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