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Friday, June 18, 2021

Chapter 29 (Theorem) - Toxic Jealousy

Theorem heads off to work, determined to make it to the top of his career this round.
Chance Cards are always helpful for that!

Before his next shift, he tried to come up with seating arrangements for all the plants they were trying to propagate.  The cowplant made everything more complicated.
"It doesn't look good!" Ryu grimaced while pushing the questionably green soup around with his spoon.  "What's in it anyway?"
Grandma Marisa scowled and waggled her finger at him.  "Just eat the soup! It'll make you grow up strong and healthy!"
"But I'm already healthy!" Ryu protested.
"Just eat it!"
As the sun set, Theorem was still working on arranging the plants.  He'd re-arranged the grid three times already.  A sheen of sweat beaded on his brow.  This was serious business!
As night fell, everyone else went to sleep.  (Aw, I forgot I put poor Grandma Marissa in a recliner so I didn't have to put down another bed! No wonder she's so grumpy!)
The twins get along well, playing quietly together. 
Simultaneously, Qia and Ryu jumped up and started to cheer.
"Good morning to all!" Mitch called out happily as he joined the family at the breakfast table.
"Mom, do you mind watching the kids while I show Mitch the research facility?"

It wasn't high on Mitch's list of things to do, but Theorem was so excited about showing off his work. 
"And here are all the seeds that we're hoping to grow in a variety of tested soils.  We'll see which grows best and then gather the seeds from it and attempt to grow it outside."
Mitch nodded. "Ah, got it."
Theorem reached out and tugged his husband further from the cowplant.  "Be careful with that one."

Theorem carefully pulled the seeds out and dropped them in the appropriately labelled pods.  If all went as planned, this could revolutionize Calamity Canyon!
Mitch wandered outside to the greenhouse, bored of watching Theorem drop seeds and then make notations on his clipboard.  
 I always feeeeeel like somebody's waaaaatching me... 👀🍰
Finally Theorem was ready.  He found Mitch out in the waiting room, talking to a co-worker Abijeet.  Abi was telling all about the cellular biology relating to the hard to grow hydrangeas. He couldn't help the flash of jealousy that hit him when he saw how intrigued Mitch was by Abi's intellectual discourse.
"There you are," he announced loudly.  "I believe it's time to go." He nodded a friendly hello to Abi.

"That was fascinating," Mitch told Abi.  "Maybe we should hang out sometime.  Wouldn't that be great, Theorem?" 

"Yeah, sure, great," Theorem replied with a smile.  Jealousy could be so toxic, he thought sullenly.  He'd always liked Abi, but right now, he couldn't wait to get away from him.

Back home, Mitch oversaw the twins homework.
Once Theorem and Mitch got home, Marissa headed upstairs for a nap.  She was feeling more sleepy than usual.
Her ticker just wasn't like it used to be...
Qia was the one who found her.  It had to have been traumatizing.  She missed her Grandma!
It just wasn't the same to wake up and not see Grandma Marisa in her recliner.

It was always so sad when the family reunion was gathered together for a death and not a birthday or celebration, Theorem thought as he watched everyone mingle
Comfort soup was served in her honor.
Despite the sad circumstances, it was nice to catch up with brother, Syllabus.  It felt like it'd been forever since he'd seen him last.  
Time marches on and Theorem was due back at work, despite his loss.  Thankfully, since Mitch was home, he could take care of the kids.

It didn't take long until Mitch was bored.
"Thanks for coming over Abi," he said, greeting his new friend.
He could argue that he'd called Abi over Theorem.  They were in need of some more friends for the next promotion.
But, that wouldn't be completely true.
It was also for him.  He'd been feeling lonely lately.  It was nice to have someone appreciate him for who he was!

No line were crossed, save for the quick brush of a hand and the deep gazing into each other's eyes.  
Abi regretfully took his leave before Theorem came home.

Maybe Abi put in a good word for Theorem?  We'll never know!
Determined to heal the scarred soil of Calamity Canyon, Theorem threw himself into studying as much as he could.
He made sure to take work-out breaks. A healthy mind needed a healthy body!

Eureka, he may have come up with a solution! 

While Theorem stayed busy with his pursuit of the perfect soil cleanser, Mitch kept busy with the kids.  They needed him so much more now that Grandma Marissa was gone.

Theorem hurried to work, his findings clutched tight.  He couldn't wait to present his report to his superiors! 
It was a long, productive day full of meetings and a few trial runs. In the end, it had been so simple, really. 

Once a brilliant Natural Scientist emerges from the family, a plant serum is invented that lets plants use toxic ash as fertilizer without making the plant itself toxic. With this serum in wide supply, the region begins to return to life. Food can actually be grown again and people can have lawns. With plants once again anchoring the soil, the raging dust storms cease and the sky can once again be seen. All Natural Science restrictions are lifted.

The first thing he did was fill in those unsightly holes the wild dogs had dug in his yard.

"That's fantastic!" Mitch said in awe, beaming. "I knew you could do it!" 

"It was nothing, really," Theorem replied coyly.

"You should write a book about it!" Mitch continued.  "You could be an author like your Dad."

"Whoa, Grandpa wrote books?"

Theorem looked at his son in surprise.  Had he never shown his son the volumes of How To books that his father had started? How was that even possible?  "Your Grandpa was a wonderful teacher. He wrote amazing books designed to teach all the skills you could need in life."


Mitch was slightly disappointed the kids hadn't wanted a birthday cake.  The kids were growing up so fast!  It caught him off-guard how they would soon be young adults and moving on with their lives.

Theorem was quick to make him feel better.  "They'll always be our babies," he reminded his husband.  "No matter how far life takes them, this is their home.

Theorem pulled the old How To books over to show Ryu.

Grandpa Urias would approve.

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