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Friday, April 17, 2020

Chapter 12 - HOOAH!

The monotony was getting to Wasabi. There never seemed to be anything fun to do in this one-llama town!

She was psyched when she ran into a guy her age.  She was dying to have her first romance and fall in love.  
 They hit it off, but there weren't any sparks.  She had a blast hanging out with him though.
"You kids behave," Yoshi called, waving at the teens on her way in to work.  "Make sure you stay aware of your surroundings!"

Lame! How embarrassing, Wasabi thought, rolling her eyes at her Mom.  "As if I don't know how to take care of myself, right?" she joked with Ricky.
 The Zombie snuck up on her from out of nowhere.
 Shrieking, Wasabi took off at a dead run towards the trailer.
 Ricky stood still, seemingly petrified.  "RICKY RUN!" she screamed at him.
That finally seemed to get him into action, he ran into the house with her and the Zombie ambled onwards, shuffling through the snow.
 "Oh my gosh! That was so scary!" she told Ricky, hugging him.  "I thought you were a goner!"

Ricky was still catching his breath. 
In retrospect, it probably wasn't the best time to wolf whistle at him.  "What are you doing?" he demanded angrily.  "Quit it!"
 "Dude, say it, don't spray it!" she said, leaning away from him.
"I can't believe I almost wasted my first kiss with you!" she said angrily, jabbing him in the chest with her finger.
Poor Ricky.  She kicked the sissy baby out.

"But there are Zombies out there!" he said, knocking on the door and begging to come back inside.

 "Can't hear you!"

 I feel like it would give Tucker conflicting messages to tell him he was a good boy for destroying the chair.  But, good boy Tucker!  Mama wants a new recliner there!

Yoshi hopped out of the jeep, riding high on the feeling that came with getting a promotion.  Lvl 8 and nowhere to go but up!
She was glad to run into an old friend and catch up.
 Lots of teens were dropping by to visit with the kids.  She asked them to wait outside in the snow until Wasabi came down. 

 "Thanks Lt. Sharp," Ivy said respectfully.
If they had come to see here, why were they talking to each other? Wasabi pouted.  
She elbowed Ivy aside and tried getting to know Alvin.  But, he kept rolling his eyes and trying to chat with Ivy.  Rude!
You could see how pleased Ivy was when Xerxes got home.  He hugged her in greeting.  "You look cold. Have you been waiting long?"

Ivy shook her head. "Not that long," she fibbed.  It'd been long enough that she was freezing to her pixels!
Xerxes invited his friend in and led her to his room.  He chafed his hands over hers to see if that helped warm her up. 
Their eyes met and Xerxes leaned forward to press a kiss against her chilly lips. "Anything?" he asked her self-consciously.

Ivy bit her lip.  "It felt kinda weird," she admitted.  "Like kissing my brother."

"Maybe we're just meant to be friends forever," he told her, relieved he hadn't done it wrong.  Because he felt the same way she did.  The kiss had been mega bland.  There was no spark.

Orlando approved of the new recliner, but was slightly confused.  "Didn't there used to be a chair here?"

"Yes!" Yoshi fist pumped when she finished doing an intense set of burpees.  She couldn't help but feel like she'd mastered her body skill.  
She headed to work, ready to tackle any problem!

Despite being slightly foggy, Orlando still had a wonderful day with his teens.  His favorite part of the day was breakfast when they all sat together and talked before they ran off and did their own thing.
 That's what happens when you don't go to work Tucker.  Good thing you already lifted the Pet Security restriction!

Alvin came home from work with Xerxes.  "Nice job today on patrol! Whoo!" Xerxes said, giving his buddy a high give.

"We crushed it!" Alvin agreed. "That Zombie was, like, 'Whoa, where'd they come from, man!"

They laughed at their bravado.
They screamed like girls when the Zombie snuck up on them.  They swore they would take  that secret to the grave!
Xerxes thought his sister was so annoying trying to hit on his friend.  She was so boy crazy.  Alvin kept sending him a glance, like 'get me out of this!'  No way was he interfering though.  Wasabi hit hard for a girl!

Wasabi had set up a sort of makeshift pet house in the corner of her room.  It made the area way more crammed, but she didn't mind.
 "That's a good girl," Wasabi said, petting little Pepper.  "Now you should go make some puppies!"
(Somehow I completely missed the interaction! But sweet little Pepper fell fast asleep after a successful visit to the dog house.)

Farewell sweet Webster! We were glad you were in our Apocalypse!
 Yoshi hung out with her coworker, Jane. 
 With all the hub bub going on inside, she stayed outside a mite too long.

Yoshi was feeling pretty good about her chances of reaching the Top of Career today.  She was in a good mood, she had enough friends and she had more than enough skills to meet whatever challenges her boss would throw at her.

"HOOAH!" Yoshi called out the military battle cry the moment she got home.  She'd finally done it! There was a time in her life that she worried she would never see this day!  She'd even started grooming little Xerxes to follow in her footsteps.
She was glad that Orlando was outside when she got home.  "I did it, sweetie!" she told him, hugging him tightly, tears of joy steaming down her eyes.
"I'm so proud of you," Orlando said, then his eyes grew slightly fogged.  "What did you do?"

Yoshi recognized the sign of Elderly Noncognaizance.  She squeezed his hand.  "I reached the Top of the Military career," she explained.  "Things are going to change here in town!"

"That's wonderful!" her husband said happily.
"And I couldn't have down it without you!" she told him.  "Thank you for believing in me!"


With enough food, security & access to healthcare, the people in Calamity Canyon were beginning to feel safer.  Now that the basics are taken care of, they can begin to focus on the community!

*AN: And with that, Tier 1 Restrictions are all lifted!  Sims can now call friends up and invite them over, visit community lots without dragging the whole family. 


  1. Yay Go Yoshi!!
    Ooh my bad I meant Orlando wanted more babies last time, not Grandbabies! (Middle aged Noncognaizance?) Heh.
    Poor Wasabi is striking out with the teens, maybe next time eh?
    Aww a dull first kiss with Ivy for Xerxes, good job they can try before they buy eh? :)
    Puppies next time! Can’t wait.

  2. Wasabi is going to be the most pitiful Romance Sim of all time! Nobody likes hanging out with her! She punches too hard! ;)

    Puppies! <3
