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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Chapter 21 - Vivi, Just Being Vivi!

 Vivi, just being Vivi.

 Oh no! Did you make a mess Tetris!
No, just a puddle of chocolate.  Tastes yummy, I bet! It showed him put his hand in the chocolate sauce and then eat it. Lol.

"I love babies!" Urias told his lovely coworker.  "When is yours due?"

Samantha sighed.  "It feels like I'll always be pregnant!"
Guess who else was pregnant!  I really should've waited to have another child, but they both rolled a baby want! I'm trying to keep my Sims happy so they don't have Aspiration Failures in their Elderhood.
 Oh dear, where is that rascally kitty, anyways!

 Nope, La Shawn is still not digging Vivi.

Meadow wasn't finding fulfillment from working at the diner anymore.  She wanted to do something important, like her husband and her brother-in-law.
Her experience in the culinary world should help her with her future career in the Journalism field!

 Aw, Urbain plays with Sake.  How cute!
 Bad Urbain! Quit kicking the grave!
You know what this means. Randomly stomping the ground in the middle of the night. We've got roaches! Incidentally, the roaches disappeared last go-round.  Do they eventually die off if no one kills them?

 Aw, cute! They're playing!  I'm glad the wolf isn't trying to eat my poor kitty!

 Urias perfects his lessons using the teleprompter.

 Meadow goes into labor, waking the whole house up!
 Welcome to the family Miss Sookie Lee!

Meadow really tried to focus on little Tetris' toddler skills.  She was so excited that at least she taught him to use the big boy potty.
But now it was too late for anything else.
Happy Birthday Tetris!

Yup, we have roaches. Go inside and leave them alone!

Bad kitty!
Urias doesn't care. He's just glad they found a kitty to lift the Pet Service. 

Tetris was a friendly boy!  He'd just become best friends with his Uncle Urias, too!

"It was great seeing you at the produce stall the other day," Vivi said to the lady on the other line. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"Do you have to cheer every time you come home?" Urias asked, his head hurt from dealing with kids all day.
Urias would never admit it out loud, but he was secretly in love with his coworker Samantha.  But, she was a married woman with 5 kids.  He would satisfy himself with loving her from afar.

Happy Birthday little Sookie! Cute as a button!
Happy Birthday to you, too, Urbain!
Now he understood why his cousin was working so hard to make it so that all teens could go to college. 

Oh Vivi!

Vito needed friends for his next promotion, so Meadow called some of her old friends before motherhood to chit chat.
That should do it! she thought triumphantly as she headed off to work.
SAKE! I LOVE YOU!  Treats for life sweet kitty!

Vito was thankful Meadow was able to re-friend a few people and help him get that promotion he'd been after for years.  Sometimes it's all about who you know!

Restrictions Lifted:

Once any Sim turns Elder, you may no longer issue any direct commands to them, nor cancel any of their actions.

Sims may not adopt and Social Workers may not take away neglected children
Sims may not purchase vacation homes or community lots
Wants & fears may not be locked
Sims may not Find Own Place or otherwise move out
Sims returning from college must rejoin the household, they may not be left in Sim Bin
Only Sims in Law may use Litigator Podium

*AN: Oh my goodness it was hard to get Vito's cleaning skill up enough to get that last promotion. I had him sweeping puddles and wiping down cabinets every chance I got.  I had to micromanage the other family members to make sure they didn't clean stuff up before he got there, too.  Meadow having morning sickness helped alot! Lol

And yay! Non-heirs can move out and "found" their own families and start lifting restrictions!  I'm so happy! It was getting so crammed at the Sharps Stack! (That's the Founder's lot name!)


  1. YAY GO VITO!! Welcome to Sookie Lee!
    Urbain kicking the graves! No wonder he grew up badly, he's kinda mad all the time isn't he?!
    heh Sake, fun to have a crazy cat after all the dogs.
    Vivi's still living the life...:D

    1. Woo hoo! I was so excited! Everyone can move out now and get a little bit of breathing room! Lol! I think all those deaths so close together scarred Urbain deeply. Or maybe he has daddy issues. Who knows! Sake is such a cute kitty! I was worried about finding a place to put the litter box. Lol. Vivi is a far better romance Sim than her mother was! :D
