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Friday, April 24, 2020

Ottamas Obtrusion

The Ottomas family was one of 4 lucky Sim Bin families that moved in the Townie Trailers.  Perpetually pregnant Samantha finally gave birth!

Twins!  Little boy Alrik & little girl Alma.


  1. Yes it's also one of the first things I do when I place this family- play them long enough that she has the twins before ignoring them, lol :D

    1. Lol. I felt bad she kept coming over to visit with Urias highly pregnant.

  2. And if you can't play them, at least boolprop them all cell phones, so you can call them.

    I don't always play my simself, but when I do, she rules the neighborhood, and does things to fix stuff, like give all the SimBinners cell phones. And the hobby leaders, too, if I remember. Or, sometimes, she just kills off the SimBinners, and starts the neighborhood graveyard. Either way, stuff is simpler.

    I'm picturing that whole big family in one of those mobile homes. HAHAHAHA! Or did they at least get a double-wide? It looked, from neighborhood view, like the trailer park from Apartment Life, pre-made with one- and two-bedroom units. Technically, they could all sleep there, and use the common room together, and do most stuff outside, and this is an apocalypse, soooo, yeah.

    Hehehe. Maybe you should play them, when you just want some extra aggravation.

    1. Lol. It's going to be a packed trailer with those new twins, too!

      That's a good call using boolprop to give them phones. I hate it when a kid comes to play, and then disappears forever. I've never thought to give them cellphones, though!
