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Friday, April 24, 2020

Chapter 23 (Vito) - Would You LIke to Read a Book?

"Are you ready for your big day?" Dad asked from the kitchen.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Tetris said grumpily.

They could hear the old school bus as it rumbled down the block and it's brakes squealing a protest as it came to a halt in front of their home.

Their first official day of school!
With the kids and school and Meadow at work, Vito thought this very well might be the first time in his entire life he was utterly alone!

It wasn't as much fun as he'd thought it would be!

Tetris was pretty pscyhed a girl from class come home with him.  Not really knowing what to say to a girl his age, he immediately started bashing his sister.
"Sorry I have to run," he apologized.
Time to work!

Meadow came home at noon with a promotion because of an riveting article she wrote about the difference between cats and dogs.  Feeling pumped, she headed straight back to work.
Since she didn't know much about sports, it was a good thing she got a promotion to an Investigate Reporter.  

 Sookie was adorable as she played with her new friend from school.

 Meadow had the day off & it was important to her that she make a few friends.

Doesn't look like Tetris is doing too good at this whole new 'school' thing.

Meadow complimented the man jogging by & in return, he offered her a discount for wholesale furniture.  What a nice fellow!
 "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!"
"Sweetie, I'm in the middle of a conversation right now," Meadow said patiently.  Turning back to Komei,she said "Go on, you were saying?"

 More cute Sookie pics of her making friends.

 Homework, such a new and strange fun-sucker!

 Ben Long? Who the heck let you in?
I'm looking at you two ladies! Which one of you let Ben in?

It looks like Yoshi is tattling on Camryn.  That's who I figured was the culprit, too.

"Will you play with me?" Kobe meowed
 "Sorry, I have to scratch my claws," Sake made up an excuse.
 "Now?" Kobe mewled pitifully.

"Eating. Sorry," Sake put her off.
"NOW!" Kobe called, pouncing at his ornery playmate.
I had to check to see if they were playing or fighting. That looks like a mean face!  lol.

 Way to go Tetris!
YES Meadow!

Aw! It feels like she just grew up to a child just the other day!  Sookie is growing into a beautiful young lady!

Tired of throwing out fridges onto the yard because he was being lazy, Vito headed to the produce stall with the teens in tow.  It might be more accurate to say that he trailed after them.

 And boy was Tetris glad that he went! The cashier girl was so cute!
He eagerly struck up a conversation, ignoring his dad as he huffed and puffed and glanced at his watch.
Finally, Vito thought as he headed inside with the groceries.  Why did it always seem to be dark when they had to run out to get food?
 The family enjoyed a meal together, unknowingly spreading germs around the table.

Tetris' friend from school came home with him again.  She was working up the nerve to tell him she liked him, but he was oblivious.  He tickled her once more before he jogged to the curb to jump in his carpool.
 "Tetris is your boyfriend! Tetris is your boyfriend!" Sookie teased while putting the poor girl in a head lock.

 It was clearly time for Sookie to get a job, too.  Too much spare time in a young teens' life was detrimental to their development.

Vito kindly escorted her to the Science Trailer at the Septic Tank crater.  
 She was looking around in awe while she waited to speak with the lead scientist.
"Thank you for waiting," the kind woman said, shaking Sookie's hand.  "I hear that you have an interest in being an assistant here."

"Oh yes! I'm very excited!" Sookie told her.  "I think I developed a love of science from watching my Uncle play Operation using the Surgical Dummy.

"Splendid! Well, let me show you around and tell you what your job duties will entail."
Vito was pleasantly surprised when he ran into Vivi.  She sat down and they chatted while Sookie was shown around the science lab.

 Back home, Meadow practiced her creativity.

The next morning, "Knock them dead, sweetie!" Vito called out as Meadow headed off to work.  She had a breaking news story to pitch, sure it would win her the Gootentaugen Award for Excellence in Journalism.

Fingers crossed!

Sake and Kobe finally decided they liked each other enough to make baby kittens.


Restrictions Lifted:
  • Only the first job listed in the paper may be taken. If the first job (or second) is for a tier level that you haven't reached yet, you may look at the next.
  • The paper may not be used for anything other than recycling, composting or turning into a paper airplane.
  • Sims may not order or read Hobby Magazines.
  • Sims may not Read Book unless it is a novel that has been published by someone in the family. Most bookcases are restricted.
  • The Journalism career reward may not be placed until Journalism has been unlocked.
 Vito thought Meadow was still a smoking hot Mama!

Would you like to read a book now?

Finally, Sookie skills while reading a book.  (Incidentally, I have not skilled using a book AT ALL this challenge, except for Urias using his Education career reward), making things 1000 times harder on myself because the Journalism restrictions said you could not use a book.  I talked to someone else doing the challenge(check it out at Sim Ramblings) and they thought it just applied to the cooking/romance/sci fi/etc books that you could read and did not include studying cooking/cleaning/mechanical skills. I think she might be right! *facepalm* 😲😱😵😂)

But yay! Either way, books can be read now! Lol

This is really an inconvenient place to take a nap, Kobe.  It finally dawned on Tetris that dear little kitty was having her kits.
1 little baby.  Where's your sister?
Kobe stared fixedly at the wall.
Moving the water heater aside, I realized what the problem was!

How did you get in there, scamp!
The family was quickly reunited! They let Sookie name the kittens, Kitty and Whiskers.  Tetris complained and Vito was quick to tell him that he could name the next litter.

Since it had been awhile since the family had gotten together, Vito called up everyone and invited them over.
The adults all chatted over a light lunch.  It was sad to see all the gray hair around the table these days.
Meanwhile, all the cousins got to know each other better hanging out in the livingroom.


  1. Yay go Meadow lifting another restriction! The Sharp's are firing ahead now. Just need either Tetris or Sookie to grow up so they can carry on!
    aww kitties are cute, :)

    1. I think I have 6 more restrictions to lift before Tier 3! And the upcoming generation have 6 kids altogether. I love it when a plan comes together! ;)

  2. WHOOOOOOOOOT! YAAAAAAAY! I am so happy for you!!!


    Oh, and lifting Journalism, too. HAHAHA. No, really, I am SO STOKED that your sims can READ, now! You've done amazingly well so far, but now, with the option to study from a bookcase, your sims will ZOOM through their careers, at least compared to before. Training cleaning in a house full of neatniks? Totally easy, now! For adults. But, YAAAAY!

    And those kitties are adorable!

    So scary about the kitten stuck in the room with the water heater, though. We had plumbers over, once, doing some work inside a wall. They turned their back for a second, and our cat Lucky got stuck inside. If I hadn't noticed in time, they would have sealed him in! Fortunately, he was the type of cat who responded when you called for him, so I heard him meowing. Unlike Mittens, who liked to hide, quietly, for hours, inside dark cupboards, until we thought she had run away. We gave her a glow-in-the-dark reflective collar (black cat), just so we could find her, and were very careful from then on about closing cupboard doors immediately, and not leaving them open the whole time we were brushing our teeth, to put the toothpaste back afterwards. Nope. Open, get stuff, close, use stuff, open, put stuff away, close. Seriously, six hours, quiet as a mouse, inside the bathroom cupboard. Kittens can be seriously scary, sometimes.

    I can't wait to see these two grow up! I wonder if they'll grow up ginger, due to recessive genes, or if their fur will darken with age?

    1. I was pretty excited about the kitties too! The orange surprised me. Lol.

      Scary story about your kitty. We don't have cats, but heard meowing one night. Walked all around the house to see where the kitty was. Finally figured out it was in our basement. Opened the door and it raced outside, poor thing!
